Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Pasadena, TX

Ask Your Pasadena Dentist

Patients ask our team a lot of questions every day, and we love it! Nothing makes us happier than sharing the information someone needs to put their mind at ease and take great care of their smile. Below, you’ll find our answers to some of the most popular dental questions, and you are always welcome to give us a call and ask about anything that we haven’t covered here.

How often should I go to the dentist?

At least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. This simple practice, combined with at-home oral hygiene, can help prevent most dental issues from developing. You should also come see us right away if you experience any issues like pain, sensitivity, or damaged teeth.

Which is better: an electric or manual toothbrush?

In the end, both types of toothbrushes are extremely effective at removing plaque. The most important factor is that someone brushes twice a day for two minutes each. If you like your toothbrush and have good oral health, then there is no need to switch. We do often recommend electric brushes for young children and those with mobility issues, however, as they can make cleaning the teeth much easier.

Are bleeding gums a big deal?

Maybe. If you’ve just started flossing, a little bleeding is normal, as your gums may be inflamed due to bacteria and plaque buildup. It should stop after a week or so, but if it doesn’t, this either means you’re flossing too hard, or you might have a minor infection. If flossing with a lighter touch doesn’t help, then you should come see us, as waiting will only allow the problem to become worse.

How long will it take to fix my tooth?

It depends on the degree of damage. Minor cavities and chips can usually be repaired in a single appointment with a tooth-colored filling, while more severe decay or trauma might require the tooth to be covered with a dental crown, which usually takes two visits to design and place.

Do you take my dental insurance?

Most likely yes. Our office is in-network with several dental insurance providers, and to learn how we could use your policy at your next appointment, just give us a call with your membership information handy. We’ll gladly answer all your questions and discuss your benefits.

I don’t have dental insurance. How else can I pay for my care?

You can sign up for CareCredit financing through our office. It offers low-to-no interest payment plans that can be used to make paying for any procedure much easier. To learn more and sign up, just visit our Dental Patient Information page.